We are pleased to offer a new level of service to our Playbooks Coverage customers – SDS Service. Get all of your SDS compiled in a single PDF throughout the year. All you do is print out the single PDF to insert into your OSHA binder. Never worry if you have all the updated sheets, we’ll manage them for you. This is a custom, hand-performed service by our staff to ensure attention to detail and accuracy. It’s just another way our service makes the difference!

This SDS service is for clubs that want convenience and peace of mind. You can always print SDS sheets on your own through the Documents section of Coverage. But allocating staff and time to keep up with this compliance task is a struggle for a lot of clubs during the busy season. Why not let Playbooks ‘keep you covered’? It’s turn-key – a single file with every SDS ready to go. You can also add Label Service if your state requires the label physically on your person.


Just sign up to the service, that’s it! We’ll send you an email with your single PDF of all SDS files you currently have on hand. Then as you add new products to inventory, you will receive an updated PDF, with any new or updated SDS sheets at the start of the file along with notes on which pages to print. It will also show up on the SDS Widget of our new home screen.

In order for the service to be used, you do need to utilize the Inventory feature inside Coverage or provide us your product list through a spreadsheet or similar.



Single SDS or label PDF sent throughout the year.



Includes file updates to SDS or Labels throughout the year for guaranteed compliance.











Start working smarter and get setup today.



We are an Affiliate Member of the GCSAA and support the industry in various initiatives. We donate yearly to the EIFG Auction, have contributed and participated in the Golf Industry Show since 2009, present educational talks, and support many local associations as well. Thank you for supporting a company committed to our industry.



© 2009-2023 Playbooks For Golf. All Rights Reserved. Playbooks for Golf is a division of Communitool LLC. All products, services, and pricing provided on this website and subject to change at any time. Each product we sell has an accompanying proposal that is binding for price and services rendered. If you have any questions on pricing, please feel free to contact us at any time.

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