Sync Your Programs Together

We love helping customers get the most out of their products with us, and other vendors. That's why we have an open API and will work with most anyone willing to join us. This allows data to flow both out of and into our applications to making sharing information a breeze. See all of our current integrations below.

Interested in becoming an integration partner?




Existing Integrations

TaskTracker is our preferred labor tracking partner to pair with our Coverage chem/fert application. It is a seamless integration that fits Coverage directly into the TaskTracker dashboard and your reports there will include all costs from your logs with us. A true turn-key integration that is used at hundreds of clubs.




Toro launched IntelliDash as a way to unify all software that a club may use into one single dashboard. We are excited to be included as a widget option on this dashboard. You'll be able to see all nutrient, GDD, Cost data from us right in there. Plus have easy links to our log, inventory, calendar and more.




POGO has been a leader in remote soil moisture testing for years and now their data can be available inside our Coverage software. Get your latest readings right into our Soil Sensors widget from any sensor or POGO unit. Further data is coming in the future to make it even easier.




Spiio has made in-ground soil sensors easy to install and use. Get all that data directly in Coverage to the Soil Sensors widget.




Perry is our premier weather partner and a true weather station integration into Coverage. Not only will we use your weather station data for GDD calculations, you can also insert weather data real-time or historically into any application log. Plus any rain totals go to the calendar automatically. It's ultra convenient and all automated.




ezLocator has been a partner with us from the beginning. We have assisted in the setup options and actual software to make it the premier hole location application available. You can now get your daily pinsheet hole locations, variance, slope and more all in the Pinsheet Data widget inside Coverage. Also get them in PBCoach for Course Set books, and in Conditions app for members to view the pinsheet in the same app as your communications.




Other Integrations

We do integrate with other businesses that are not formally announced as partners. If you are curious if you have a weather station, labor software, etc. that might work with us, just reach out and ask. We may already integrate!







We are an Affiliate Member of the GCSAA and support the industry in various initiatives. We donate yearly to the EIFG Auction, have contributed and participated in the Golf Industry Show since 2009, present educational talks, and support many local associations as well. Thank you for supporting a company committed to our industry.



© 2009-2024 Playbooks For Golf. All Rights Reserved. Playbooks for Golf is a division of Communitool LLC. All products, services, and pricing provided on this website and subject to change at any time. Each product we sell has an accompanying proposal that is binding for price and services rendered. If you have any questions on pricing, please feel free to contact us at any time.

Simplicity in Technology